Expert Opinion service is often required especially by institutions such as Foreign Law Firms, Embassies, Banks, Foreign Institutions, Foreign Courts, Foreign Immigration Departments or Private organizations and so on.
Example of documents commonly required for expert opinion are as follows:
☯ Nikahnama
☯ Marriage Certificate
☯ Court Decree/Order
☯ Divorce Decree
☯ Death Certificate
☯ NOC Relating to Child Adoption
☯ Unmarried Certificate
☯ Commercial Document/Export Import Document
☯ Medical Certificate
☯ Education Certificate
☯ Recruitment Agreement
☯ Bank statement
☯ Land title Deed
☯ Contract, Deeds of Sales etc.
Example of records commonly required for inspection/verification and expert opinion are as follows:
☯ Criminal Records Check
☯ Marriage/Divorce Verification
☯ Pre-Marriage Background Check
☯ Academic Record Check/Verification
☯ Employment Record Check/Verification
☯ Title Investigation (Land/Flat etc.)
☯ Locate Witnesses and so on
If you would like us to examine your particular situation and assist or represent you in your case, it is possible to arrange an appointment by telephone or e-mail for detailed consultation. Please contact us by telephone or send us e-mail at support@mrichowdhury.com
Disclaimer: The information in this web site does not constitute legal advice. We make no guarantees about the accuracy or adequacy of the information contained or linked to this web site.