Online Translation & E-Notary Service
High Quality, Professional and Certified Translation and E-Notary.
We provide through our Bangladesh Government Certified Translator high standard translation services to assist individual and corporate clients with any type of translations. Bengali is a widely spoken language in the world with 280 million speakers. It is native to the region of eastern South Asia known as Bengal.
We prepare, attest or authenticate any instrument intended to take effect in any country or place outside Bangladesh in such form and language as may conform to the law of the place where such deed is intended to operate. We translate, and verify the translation of, any document from one language into another;
Our translation service includes the following languages but not limited to:
☯ Bengali to English, French & Arabic
☯ English to Bengali, Arabic & French
We provide online translation and e-notary services to individual, national and international corporate bodies, business companies and a broad range of institutions. Our translator is professionally qualified and certified by Bangladesh Government with highly skilled, expertise and vast experienced. Our certified translator possesses an in-depth understanding of the Bengali legal, business, medical, accounts, marketing system and the terminology used in particular fields. Our professional and certified translator has experience delivering first class legal translations to solicitors, attorneys, lawyers around the world.
Our translation services include:
☯ Legal Translation
☯ Business Translation
☯ Medical Translation
☯ Account Translation
☯ Marketing Translation
☯ Government Translation
☯ Interpreting Services
Our Online Translation and E-Notary services also include:
☯ Child adoption agreements
☯ Birth certificates, passports, ID cards
☯ Financial statements, powers of attorney
☯ Marriage certificates, divorce decrees, wills, death certificates, inheritance and donation papers
☯ Diplomas and academic transcripts High School/College/University
☯ Driver licenses
☯ Medical statements/records, health cards, immunization records
☯ Criminal records, depositions, police reports, security clearances, court orders, judgments
☯ No impediment to marriage, parent's consents
☯ Name change certificates
☯ Name/Date of Birth Change/Rectification
☯ Employment records, recommendation letters
☯ Correspondences
☯ Legal contracts, real estate lease and property papers, etc.
☯ Administration of oaths and affirmation
☯ Affidavit/Declaration
☯ Statutory Declaration
☯ Notarial Certificate
We provide an effective and quick response to your physical and online translation . Our translation fee depends on the number and type of documents to be translated. Please Contact for online service
Disclaimer: The information in this web site does not constitute legal advice. We make no guarantees about the accuracy or adequacy of the information contained or linked to this web site.